
Wilson's Famous All About Chocolate Bundle Deal
At Wilson, we are know for putting together the yummiest food bundles approved for NY State Inmate Package Program. Our packages are complete full size products, hermetically sealed, and cost effective.
Package Includes:
- 4 Hershey's Candy Bar 1.57oz
- 1 Hershey's Mr. Good Bar Giant 6.8oz
- 2 Lil Dutch Chocolate Chip Cookies Tray 14oz
- 1 Hershey's Almond Bar or Milk Chocolate Giant 6.8oz
- 1 Chip a Hoys to Go Chocolate Chip Cookies 5oz
- 4 Movie Theatre- M&M's Peanuts & Plain 7oz
- 2 Snickers Fun Size 6 packs 3.4oz ea.
- 1 Haribo Gummies Candies 3oz
ship weight: 32oz= 3lbs